An office conjures up images of productivity, creativity, and action. In this week’s post I am not only revealing my dramatic workspace, I am sharing my motivations for starting this blog.
(feel free to scroll down to the office reveal)
I realized recently that I have never told my internet friends WHY I have started on this blogging adventure. It seems crazy to sacrifice so many hours a week to a hobby, especially one that may or may not ever make a dime? Sure, I have been involved in interior decorating for 9 years now, but why pick up a new hobby that requires computer and camera skills (both of which have previously befuddled me)?
To really understand my reasonings, you need to know a little more about me. The last couple of years I was in a position where I was a leader, mentor, big sister (you pick the descriptive title) to a group of 40 amazing military women and their sweet children. I had spent a rewarding year and a half planning, hosting, laughing, and crying with these dear friends. I have sincerly loved these ladies and they will always hold a special place in my heart.
The ultimate purpose of our special sisterhood was to prepare us for something most families don’t ever need to deal with… an overseas military deployment. Leading up to this emotional time I wanted to pass along my top three advice tips. These suggestions were either learned the hard way or given to me by mentors.
1. Don’t be a victim- Don’t try to blame anyone else for the situation because you feel powerless. 2. NO MATTER WHAT, we can always choose to be happy ( this is our family motto BTW) 3. Setting goals speeds up and adds purpose to deployments, and trials in general.
It was when I got to the third piece of advice that I realized I needed to practice what I preached. It may have been enough to focus on my social, family, and religious responsibilities, but I am a believer that goals serve as a perfect distraction. I also think, on some level, I realized that while I was serving everyone else I wanted desperately to find something that was just for me.
Throughout a long, cold, record- breaking winter I traded sleep and any other personal time for learning my new skills. I bought a used camera and got a thirty-minute lesson from my friend. Christmas break was spent staging tablescapes and making my children pose for pictures. This newly emerging skill was an exhilarating art form. I am excited to see that I wince at photos that made me so proud in January. I think I am gradually getting better and I hope this trend continues.
It is hard to believe that I have officially been blogging for three months now! While it has proven to take a little more time than I think any non-blogger would realize, I have found it to be quite rewarding. Time will tell if I can learn to keep the balance between my most important priorities (faith, family, and friends) and these personal pursuits.
Ironically, what started as an effort in self-preservation and edification is increasingly proving to be a way to give back. So many role models have mentored me along the way, and I hope that this can be my way to help inspire and uplift others.


Now, I wouldn’t say I am a hoarder per-se, but, like most creative people, I certainly have hoarding tendencies :). You just never know when you may need that navy ric-rack, walnut stain, or magenta acrylic paint tube. You just never know! These stackable boxes are the perfect solution. I can store a slew of ribbon, thread, embroidery equipment, or anything else that doesn’t have a home.
To make these beauties I simply hot glued navy velvet-ribbon around the box perimeter. Next, I glued on a button spray-painted a lovely glam shade of gold. I topped it off with a decorative gem from the craft store. Simple, chic, functional, and inexpensive. BAM!
One thing to keep in mind when picking out a desk, whether new or thrifted is storage. I got this sturdy little beauty as a gift from a friend. I dig the solid wood construction and three deep drawers.

A coat of moody peacock colored paint and it looked like a million bucks. She doesn’t stop with good looks though. I use this desk for arts, crafts, sewing, and blogging. Form and Function!

This little late Victorian/early Edwardian piano bench fits nicely into the small space. I layered a couple of coats of different left-over paints to achieve this nice aged patina.
An additional bonus? Storage! Yep, can you tell I have a lot of junk…I mean “stuff” to hide.

This DIY art is one of my favorites. Left over craft and wall paint poured on a wet canvas and slowly tipped side to side form an organic water/wood grain effect. I am quite certain that the neighbors pegged me for a closet hippy when they caught me waving a gargantuan canvas in the dark in my driveway.

I guess you could say that this old desk and I have quite a bit in common. We are versatile, functional, and have a solid foundation. I have vision that with a little hard work the both of us can adjust to new changes, rise to new circumstances, and serve others.
I am excited to see if this blogging endeavor ever turns into something more. I hope that hearing my story helps to motivate you to develop that talent or take that risk that you may be considering. WE CAN DO HARD THINGS!

Let's be Friends

Questions? Comments? I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to leave me a message below.
-xoxo Jewel