Setting the Scene
The overscaled art: See this beauty? I built it…from scratch…for less than $40. I wish I could say that it took tremendous talent, but that my friends would be a lie. I simply stretching a drop cloth across a frame which I build from 1×2’s. Once the canvas was stretched I primed it with guesso. Lacking any fancy paints, I dipped into my embarrasingly large supply of left-over latex paint samples. It is so much fun to see what happens to paint when mixed with water and allowed to flow. I can’t deny that I looked like a hippy in my driveway waving the gargantuan art from side to side and up and down. I imagine my neighbors thought I was either participating in a rain dance or had uncharecteristically started experimenting with recreactional drugs. Miraculously, it turned out to look something like a landscape, though that was not neccessarily my intent. So now I present to you an overscaled DIY art masterpiece…or something.

Pinterest tip for you: Want a tip to keeping your desk (or bookcase) cohesive? Try wrapping your books in pretty papers. This is a low cost way to visually clean-up an office space.
Actual tip for me: I should probably start by trying to learn to throw away my garbage and keeping my space tidy on a more regular basis. ?

This is also the theory I’m trying to take as I wake up every morning and look in the mirror. Those wrinkle starting to form? It’s character right?

I just couldn’t walk away when I saw this Black and White Striped Task Lamp at Hobby Lobby. It is functional, versitale, and just preppy enough to melt the part of my heart reserved solely for Kate Spade design.