Tips to removing Tempaper and before and after pictures
WOWZERS! This is really happening! Our 10 month assignment to this charming little New England island is coming to an abrupt end. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around this timeline. On one hand it feels like we just got here (Hello! 10 months really isn’t long enough), but on the other hand I can’t believe how much we have learned and grown as a family and individually since we moved into this rental last August.
One thing is certain, however, I have wallpapered a LOT of rooms in this house (6 to be exact). Some wallpapers are proving easier to remove than others. Let me walk you through my master bedroom, explain how easily the wallpaper came down, and give you my best lessons learned.
NOTE: The wallpaper in this room was orginally sponsored by Tempaper.

Before and Afters
I don’t hate white walls…I promise I don’t. It’s just that I find them a bit…well… boring. So as the rest of America has been installing white shiplap in their homes, I turned to Tempaper removable wallpaper to mask mine. I hope that as you see my newly naked walls that you will agree a little color and pattern makes a room far more interesting. All you minimalists and bold color haters out there, however, may want to avert your eyes ?.
Last Week


Last Week


Last Week


It was better before, right?
Tips to Removing Tempaper
If you’ve never heard of Tempaper then you should probably know that this wallpaper product can best be described as a gigantic vinyl sticker for your walls. It comes in a variety of fun colors and patterns and is perfect for folks who have decorating ADD or move often (both of which are titles that I wear proudly).

Tips for Removing Tempaper
- Decide if your goal is to remove and trash the paper or attempt to preserve it for the future.
- If your goal is to preserve it with hopes to use it in a closet or inside a drawer then more power to you. Hopefully you kept the backing when you originally hung the paper. Preserving the paper may or may not be a realistic goal, depending on which brand and sheen of paint you have on your walls under your paper. Go ahead and try the first strip by using two hands holding each corner and SLOWLY pulling the paper down. If it works then continue this process SLOWLY.
- If your goal is to trash the paper then there is less pressure and the paper can be taken down in small sections with one or two hands. Still… take it slowly.
- In both scenarios my suggestion is to keep your grip close to the point where the paper is attached to the wall. I found that when there was 3 feet of paper between me and the wall I was more likely to pull a little bit of paint off the wall (which only happened twice over 4 rolls worth of paper and probably because my walls are eggshell.)

- If your goal is to trash the paper then there is less pressure and the paper can be taken down in small sections with one or two hands. Still… take it slowly.
- In both scenarios my suggestion is to keep your grip close to the point where the paper is attached to the wall.

I did opt to save a strip or two of paper and we will see if I am able to find a place for it in the next home. Hopefully you are able to use these tips to removing Tempaper, and good luck in your next decorating adventure!