I have very few talents in life, but I can honestly tell you, without any hesitation, that I am particularly great at rocking Craigslist and Facebook Market Place. I can’t lie…I’m awesome at it. Seriously. Today I am going to share with you my five tricks to winning at thrifting… Yep… You are welcome
1. Be Consistent

This mirror was a $12 thrift store score!
2. Use Your Words

Credenza, buffet, sideboard, tomato, tamato…whatever you want to call it… I love it.
3. Think Outside the Box

By searching for “brass” I came accross this amazing burled cabinet. I think I only paid about $50. See. I told you I had mad skillz.
4. Gauge your Enthusiasm

I knew I loved these chairs and didn’t even try to low-ball the seller. He was only asking $120 for the set of 6.
5. Show me the Money
6. Safety First

I bought this mirror in the sketchiest of sketchy neighborhoods. The seller was actually very kind and I have truly loved the character the mirror has brought to each of our homes.
7. Proceed with Caution

This set of four amazing mustard yellow chairs were STANKY! I was able to get the smell out, and now they look lovely in our new home.
8. Have Vision
Try to picture the images for sale as they could be, not as they are.


9. Enjoy!
There is no better and less expensive way to add unique personality and character to a home than through thrifting. So pull out an electronic device and start the search!