Welcome to the second week of the Bathroom Primp and Pamper Blog Hop!  Wasn’t last week a blast?  If you missed all of that beautiful inspiration click HERE to get caught up.


Nice to Meet You

Before we begin though, If you are new to my blog you should know a few of things:


1. As a military family we move…a lot…not even joking.


2. We are currently in a beautiful 10 month rental and I have a goal to finish decorating it with at least a month to spare before we move again ?.


3. Since we are preparing for our 13th move I have a lot of experience renting, owning, and setting up shop quickly, beautifully, and affordably.


4. Because we have lived all over (and because I have a craigslist problem) I have a lot of junk treasures from around the world.  Thus, my home often feels gathered, but in a tailored and often glam, chic, or preppy way…depending on the day…and maybe what I’m wearing when I make my design plan?.


5. If you want to see more of my home, come back after the blog hop and check out last week’s SPRING HOME TOUR.




Ok…Enough about me…Let’s talk bathrooms!


Habla Espanol?

This is the first of my two bathroom entries in the event and I have to say (at least at the moment) this one my favorite.  From the very beginning this room has just come together so naturally, thanks to a lovely $5 craigslist purchase and pretty Moroccan tile.

Actually, rather than thinking of this tile as Moroccan, I prefer to imagine it to be “Spanish with Moroccan influences.”  You see, the country of Spain has a special place in our hearts.  My husband lived there for two years serving a mission for our church, and since then we have visited multiple times.  So, without too much of a stretch of the imagination, I can picture this lovely tile looking fab in the Alhambra or in a ancient church anywhere along the southern coast of Spain.

In addition to tiles with a Spanish vibe, this thrift store art reminds me of the mother of a Spanish dancer living in the caves of Granada.  However, my photographer/friend Amy Greene (IG: ContactAmyGPhotography) assures me that she could have been one of her New Jersey neighbors growing up. So rather than giving her an exotic name, we have decided to call her Carol.  Carol Burnadette to be more precise. Everyone say “hi” to Carol.

Note: Some of this content may be sponsored, but the opinions are 100% my own.

Pretty Rug

To match Carol, and to keep with the traditional feel, I opted to go with this GORGEOUS rug.  A huge shout out to RugsUSA for sponsoring this event because this Windsor Over Dyed Grove Rug has me down right giddy.

It’s even better in person than I imagined. The colors are perfectly vibrant and will match beautifully with the lavender wallppaper (which has shipped and is on the way). Plus, an added bonus for me?  It isn’t too tall to fit under the door.  You can see in the pics that I just opened the rug and the the ends are still relaxing a tad.

But wait…the fun doesn’t stop there!

Velvet Shower Curtain


Years ago I saw a stunning bathroom with full length, hunter green, velvet curtains and I’ve been scheming ever since. #bathroogoals


To accomplish this look on a budget I drove up to Ikea and picked up a set each of hunter green and navy blue  Sanela Curtains.

You may be asking yourself, “Self, wouldn’t a velvet shower curtain get ruined by the water?” That’s a valid question and I am excited to test it out.

I have developed a two part plan to thwart water damage.

  1. I actually have two shower curtains here, both hung on two seperate curtain rods.  The white is from Serena and Lily and obviously has a liner on the inside.
  2. I hemmed the fabric to hover about an inch off the ground. So even if water over flows, it hopefully will not drench the curtains.

To Do List

Get Rug

Hang Mirror

Sew and Hang Curtain

Hang sconces

Hange Wallpaper

Organize and style open shelving

Thank you so very much for joining me on the Week Two | Bathroom 1 Primp and Pamper Blog hop. Click HERE to see my other bathroom and the AMAZING light fixtures we just hung.

Don’t forget to follow me on


<span class=""><a href="https://wp.me/p8Cnsw-22w" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Jeweled Interiors Bathroom 1</a> // <a href="https://wp.me/p8Cnsw-24R" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Jeweled Interiors Bathroom 2</a>// </span><a class="" href="http://www.streetfleastyle.com/2018/03/powder-bathroom-refresh-week-2-how-to.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="">Street Flea Style</span></a><span class=""> // </span><a class="" href="http://www.monicawantsit.com/2018/03/master-bathroom-update-selecting-towels.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="">Monica Wants It</span></a><span class=""> // </span><a class="" href="http://www.domicile37.com/2018/03/create-guest-bathroom-shelf.html/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="">Domicile 37</span></a><span class=""> // </span><a class="" href="https://wp.me/p46xms-4ra" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="">Maggie Overby Studios</span></a><span class=""> // </span><a href="http://www.tessiefay.com/blog-five/designing-the-wallpaper" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="">Tessie Fay</span></a><span class=""> // </span><a class="" href="http://www.adesignerathome.com/sick-picking-towels/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="">A Designer At Home</span></a><span class=""> // </span><a class="" href="https://wp.me/p2vIIR-1jV" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="">A Pinterest Addict</span></a><span class=""> // </span><a class="" href="http://marymeyerinteriors.com/?p=1496&preview=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="">Mary Meyers Interiors</span></a><span class=""> // </span><a class="" href="https://myeclecticnest5.wordpress.com/?p=303" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="">My Eclectic Nest</span></a><span class=""> // </span><a class="" href="https://wp.me/p6WMUr-2kW" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="">This Is Our Bliss</span></a><span class=""> // </span><a class="" href="https://southernstateofmindblog.com/kzk53" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="">Southern State of Mind</span></a><span class=""> // </span><span class=""><a class="" href="https://wp.me/p5VblQ-4Vf" rel="nofollow">PMQ for two </a></span>

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