Well, here we are in our new digs, and it’s time to take on “Operation Add Personality” ASAPly. Somewhere, during the course of the move, my oldest daughter convinced me to start with her bedroom first. While I’m not quite sure how I agreed to these terms, I mostly blame the “mom guilt” formed by watching her prepare for her third school in three years and (6th school total?). If anyone deserves a room make-over, I think it may be this brave military kid… So one girl’s bedroom coming up!
Last Bedroom- Rhode Island

Photo cred: Amy Greene (IG: @Contact AmyGPhotography)
You may remember that in the last house (you know, the 10 month New England rental) I JUST redid the bedroom for my oldest two daughters. Well, here’s the deal. At the time of completion they SAID they liked it. As it turns out, however, they were just being nice. They have recently informed me that the room was pretty, but truthfully not the style they would have chosen. In other words, I designed the room for myself and not for the two wonderful children who would actually be sleeping there. If I’m being honest with myself, that is exactly what happened.

Photo cred: Amy Greene (IG: @Contact AmyGPhotography)
So lesson learned…I need to REALLY listen to the inputs of my children as I design their rooms. Listen and then actually implement their ideas.
My daughter saw this bedroom from by Jennifer from Dimples and Tangles and was completely smitten. I really can’t blame her- It’s fabulous! So this is the starting point for our design scheme…stripes and emerald green…I can handle this idea!
Inspiration- Bedroom designed by Jennifer from Dimples and Tangles
New Bedroom- Virginia
We are absolutely loving our lives here in Virginia. Since this is our third assignment in the area it truly feels like “home” for us. In fact, this house is one we purchased almost seven years ago, during a previous assignment, and we are enjoying the perks of home ownership once again.
While this bedroom isn’t gargantuan, it will be the first time my daughter will have her own room since she was four. She will have her own closet, and pretty great lighting. Let’s just say she’s super stoked.
Before Pics of the room
Note: Some of the products mentioned in this post will be sponsored.

While spending some quality time on craigslist I came across this killer-shaped head board. Isn’t it fab? At just over $100 I knew it was a must for this room design.

Now…Can you picture it covered in a unique Spoonflower.com design? Boy, I sure can! I’m considering this fabric called Tropicana Jaguar in Emerald (Jumbo) by Nouveau Bohemian– Easter Fallon Lau. To make it even more amazing I plan to increase the scale several times larger than the sample I have here.

I also want to work these amazing elements into the room… I mean, why wouldn’t I? Most importantly they are 100% daughter approved.

So stay tuned as I give dive into this room and bring you updates on the Tempaper stripes, the Lamps Plus lighting, and the DIY Spoonflower headboard DIY. I don’t know who is more excited to see this room come together, me or my daughter!