HURRY! Santa is on his way. He’s go lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh… and you are going to want a cute place to put it all. Try this quick and easy way to personalize your stockings without going to the expense of getting them monogrammed. Enter monogrammed stocking holders to your holiday scene. You can still get it done if you hussle!

I’m going to lay out the basics so that you can take this idea and run with it. Just add your own colors, fabrics, and designs. This is your chance to get your creative caps on and get designing.
1. BUY IT!
Ok. Here is what you need friends.
1. A Monogram Letter for Every Member of the Family– I purchased mine at Hobby Lobby.
2. Paint of your choice– I opted to go with latex paint because I was able to have complete control of the exact color. With enough coats most any type of paint would work.
3. Foam Brush
4. Paper Ribbon– I got this cute dalmatian print ribbon from Hobby Lobby.
5. Fabric Ribbon– I opted to go with velvet to add rich texture.
6. Hot Glue Gun

2. Paint it!
Grab that foam brush and get to work. Don’t forget to paint in the same direction with each consecutive coat. Also, do your best to keep each layer smooth and ridgeless.

3. Glue it!
Once your paint has dried it’s time to pull out the ol’ glue gun. My paper fabric was wider than my actual letter. I decided not to fold it under because I wanted it to have more depth. This may be a decision I will regret next season when I go to pull out this festive mantle decor.

4. Layer it!
While one layer of ribbon would have sufficed, I opted to go for two. I liked the little pop of “prep” this final layer added.
WARNING! If you want these letters to stay up right, pay special attention to how you glue the bottom. For this reason I actually chose not to glue the thicker ribbon all of the way around.

6. Style it!
You may find it aesthetically pleasing to vary the letters at different heights. Otherwise you may find yourself trying to spell out a collection of vowels and consonants.
To stagger the letters I foung it useful to hot glue some to a variety of household items. If you look closely you can see silver tumbers and easter egg cups… That’s thinkin’ outside of the box my friends.

I chose to weave fresh garland between each of the letters and to then top it off with a garland from Hobby Lobby.
Thank you for joining me on for this monogram stocking holder tutorial. Please feel free to pin and share to your heart’s content! If you tackle this project I would LOVE to see your results! Please share it HERE on my Facebook page! I want to shower you with the praises you deserve!

Don’t forget to check out the entire HOLIDAY HOME TOUR.
and HERE
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-xoxo Jewel