Carpet as Area Rug
When it comes to picking out a rug for a large room, don’t forget to consider the concept of carpet as an area rug. I want to walk you through the process and show you some of the unexpected perks to this choice.
What is the ORC?
In case you missed it, this room is being completed as part of the One Room Challenge. Thanks to Linda for her massive organizational effort of this event, and I can’t wait to see the reveals at the end of the 8 weeks.
Even more fun? Apartment Therapy is the media sponsor this season.
Carpet as Area Rug
For many people carpet is a “bad word”. Hey, I get it! Over the years, I’ve lived in my fair share of cut pile clad homes. Builder’s grade shag carpet is the antithesis to chic flooring. However, writing off the concept of carpet all together is a bit myopic. Please let me show you an example of a sexy carpet install in our One Room Challenge space and you can tell me if you still think “sexy carpet” is an oxymoron, or if I’m on to something.
Before Carpet
This is what we started with, and you can see that my client’s house has lovely bones.

After landing on a merlot colored marble carpet, we invited a local carpet shop, Coe and Son’s, to come measure our space.
Carpet Install Day
The carpet was ordered and bound off site. The delivered and install process took less than an hour, and this included moving furniture. Here you can see them laying the pad.

Next, they unrolled the carpet itself.

Then they put the barrel chairs on top and basically slid the entire thing back into place…chairs and all!

Pros to Carpet as Rug
1. It is often a more cost effective way to dress your floors. This obviously depends on what materials are used to construct your carpet.
2. Can be custom sized to your exact dimensions.
3. Can be bound to your preference. I would say the binding is the least attractive quality of the carpet, but I recently bound a rug for another client in very thin faux-leather. It looks pretty hot. Keep in mind that this is an uncharge.
4. Can be used around the fireplace. It’s the custom notch that does it for me!

Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on “carpet as rug” below.
Thanks so much for joining me on this fun progress shot. Don’t forget to check out the other participants, and I’ll be excited to show you how we are layering the art soon!