THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN and I now have beautiful wallpaper! While I still have many projects to complete before this room is finished, I wanted to keep you up-to-date and informed of the transformations thus far in our Master Bedroom Make-over.
Thanks so much to Tempaper for sponsoring this wallpaper. The opinions are 100% my own.
This is how the bedroom looked the day we moved in. It may be a tad small for a master bedroom, but it does have great lighting and is conveniently located next to the children’s rooms, just off the kitchen area.

This is the bedroom as I first decorated it for this Fall.


This is how the bedroom looked this winter. I think both of these designs were pretty, but quite honestly not very “ME”. The room was lacking personality and drama and after the Tween Girls’ Bedroom Make-over I knew just the solution…STUNNING WALLPAPER!
There are a couple of things I knew going into this project…This wallpaper needed it to be removable… because we move to our next assignment in 4 short months?. Also, I knew I needed a product that would cover shiplap like a dream and add high style to my small space…Based on the girls’ room makeover I knew the answer…Tempaper! Click HERE for my tutorial on how to install this amazing product.

After listening to your Facebook and Instagram votes my decision was confirmed (click HERE to see my other favorites), and I decided to go with the Kimono Tempaper. It has a subtle purple undertone to match the girl’s room right next door, but feels so timeless and classic. I have always had a soft spot for chinoiserie and this paper is no exception.

I knew from the get-go that I would want to add strong lines (lots of stripes coming up), and texture (hence the ostrich feather mirror) to balance the feminine floral pattern and slight sheen of the paper.

We added velvet to the bed and rearranged some furniture to give this room the good bones we needed.

To Do List:
Hang WallpaperAdd velvet to bedHang picturesAdd PlantChange NightstandsFeather Mirror- Sew Pillows
- Change Trim on Curtains
- Sew Duvet
- Style Nightstands
- Change/add rugs?
Lot’s to do and about two days to get it all done before diving into a double bathroom make over for the Bathroom Primp and Pamper Blog Hop I’m hosting each Tuesday in the Month of March. Can I just tell you…I don’t see a lot of sleep in my future :).
Wow! That wallpaper looks stunning! Your room is gorgeous! I’ve been wanting a dramatic look in my room, perhaps this is the direction I need to head in… great job
Thanks girl. I just finished up the room and need to take pics of all of the updates. Can’t wait to show you the finished product.
I’ll be on the look out.. I spent a good two hours enjoying your site.. glad I found it on Instagram from domicile 37..
I loved looking at your site today too. You’ve got mad skills. I love Domicele 37 too!!!