Tone on Tone Sofa and Other fun Furniture Finds
Today I’d like to discuss a sophisticated twist on tone on tone furniture. Introducing….The concept of a purposeful color clashed sofa. That’s right, we opted to paint the walls a shade or two off from the color of the velvet and I’ll be explaining why. Also, I can’t wait to show you some of the other fun finds for this space as we keep our “eyes on the prize” for the reveal.
What is the ORC?
In case you missed it, this room is being completed as part of the One Room Challenge. Thanks to Linda for her massive organizational effort of this event, and I can’t wait to see the reveals at the end of the 8 weeks.
Even more fun? Apartment Therapy is the media sponsor this season.
Why a tone on tone sofa?
Before talking about the “clash” let’s take a step back and discuss why it is sometimes helpful to have tone-on-tone furniture and walls. In design, if you want something to POP you can choose a finish that is a contrast to the things around it. If you want it to visually disapear, you paint it the same color as it’s surroundings. When it comes to a 12 foot sectional, it makes sense to hide the proverbial “elephant in the room” by painting a the walls a tone simililar to sectional. As a result, it feels like the room is larger and less choppy than if it were a color that contrasts with the walls.

Now let’s talk about “The clash”. Why did we clash? Well, to be completely honest, the decision was made rather organically. Almost a happy accident, if you will. We originally picked this Bancha Green to go with one of my favorite Pierre Frey wallpapers. That plan evolved, but in the process we became hooked on this shade of paint. Enter the gorgeous Theodore Alexander sectional. Did the color match? Well, no, but did it work? YESSSS! We scraped the wallpaper, but pressed forward with the paint color. What I like about this combo is that the shades of green are similar enough to capitalize on the benefits of tone-on-tone decorating, as addressed above, but it adds an element of visual interest that would be lost in a perfect match.

More Finds
Here is a sneak peek of a fun side table we sourced.

Also, here is a killer coffee table. Since this photo was taken, we have installed new carpet and sourced additional length so that the scale of the table matches the sofa. Stay tuned for the big reveal to see how it looks as a 2×3 vs the 2×4 pictured below.

Fingers crossed that our Milton and King Plum Blossom wallpaper gets installed in the dining room by the post next week and the lighting the week after that! Like I said, eyes on the prize!