Tumbling Block Art
I’ve commissioned Interior designer, artist, and my business partner, Ronni Logan, to produce a tumbling block art piece that will eventually live in my client’s ORC dining room.
What is the ORC?
In case you missed it, this room is being completed as part of the One Room Challenge. Thanks to Linda for her massive organizational effort of this event, and I can’t wait to see the reveals at the end of the 8 weeks.
Even more fun? Apartment Therapy is the media sponsor this season.
Geometric Art
I’m a sucker for 3-D art and am loving the piece that Ronni Logan has nearly finished. Ronni has kindly offered up a few progress shots for your viewing enjoyment. I will also be highlighting Ronni and some of her many projects. She is truly a woman of many talents.
Progress Shots
Here are some shots of the backside of the tumbling block art so that you can see the support system Ronni has created.

Then Ronni primed and prepped the front side.

Here is the almost-finished tumbling block art, but please keep in mind that there will be high-gloss epoxy resign applied before the big reveal.

Not only does the tumbling block paint design make this piece look 3-dimensional, is also has a 2″ depth, adding to it’s visual interest.

I’m looking forward to seeing epoxy on this piece. Make sure you come back for the big reveal.
Ronni Logan’s Work
Ronni Logan has been blessed with a unique combination of talents. Not only does she have incredible vision and a keen eye for design, she also posseses the skill-sets and attention to detail to execute projects to perfection.

While you may know Ronni for her plaster art and sculptures, she also paints using a variety of mediums.

In addition to art, Ronni likes to experiment with upholstery. You may remember these pieces of hers;

Ronni Logan is an incredible interior designer with a flare for the dramatic, gounded by a strong sense of balance. She seamlessly mixes era and styles to create timeless spaces.

Room design and coffee table styling by Ronni Logan Interiors

Finally, and most importantly to me, Ronni Logan is an incredibly gifted interior designer and my business parter. I’m so blessed to work with someone with so much hands-on experience. She has a knack for taking a design concept and translating it into reality, either by her own hands or with the help of our reliable contractors.
I’m grateful to have Ronni as a partner and feel that together we are unstoppable.