by jeweledinteriors | Feb 4, 2019 | new year New Room Challenge
. It’s BIG REVEAL DAY of the New Year New Room Refresh! Like always, this one was down to the wire, but I finished my daughters’ shared upholstered bunk bed bedroom by the skin of my teeth. You see, we spent a good part of the week in the...
by jeweledinteriors | Jan 31, 2019 | DIY, new year New Room Challenge
3 Lessons learned from Hanging Crown Moulding If you are coming here today hoping for a big reveal, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that it has been postponed a week. The good news is that it will be that much better this way. A huge thanks to...
by jeweledinteriors | Jan 22, 2019 | new year New Room Challenge
Art Deco Chandelier UpdatesWe are nearing the finish line in the New Year New Room Refresh Challenge hosted by Stephanie from Casa Watkins Living. This is the time in the challenge when the to do list is still so long, the nights become a little more sleepless, and...
by jeweledinteriors | Jan 15, 2019 | new year New Room Challenge
New Year New Room Challenge As of this afternoon, I feel like things are starting to happen in my daughters’ bedroom. It’s time to catch you up to speed on the progress made during week 3 or the New Year New Room Refresh Challenge hosted by Stephanie from...
by jeweledinteriors | Jan 8, 2019 | DIY
A Beginner’s Guide to Chair Upholstery Welcome to week 2 of the New Year New Room Challenge hosted by Casa Watkins Living? If you missed my post from last week, feel free to go catch up on the game plan and the current state of things. Only one thing has...
by jeweledinteriors | Jan 3, 2019 | fashion, Seasonal
Jord Watch $100 off Giveaway I’m happy to report that Christmas 2018 was one for the record books! No, we didn’t travel to an exotic location, recieve a new car in the driveway, or anything else nearly so elaborate. This holdiay we took a much needed...