Week 5 updates and the tricks I have learned to ultimate control in my fabric and wallpaper selections.
I’d like to give a huge shout out to my sponsors! The opinions are 100% my own.

What if I told you that I had inside intel on an almost endless database of graphic design patterns by a countless number of artists? What if I then let you in on the secret that any one of these patterns could be printed out on the fabric, wallpaper, or household item of your choice? Good news for both of us! Such a bottomless well of design goodness does exist. I’ve tried taking a big drink for myself…and it is beyond satisfying!
Today I want to tell you about a company that has helped me take this One Room Challenge “The Bold and the Beautiful” entertaining space from bland and boring to maximalist and memorable.
If this is your first time visiting this room, there’s a lot to catch up on
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 (you are here) | Week 6
Nice to meet you!
Before we get started let me thank you for boppin’ into Jeweled Interiors. I’m Jewel, a military spouse with 4 kiddos, and a passion for obtaining high-end looks on a Craigslist budget. After 12 moves and a couple of years stationed dangerously close to the British auctions (???) I’ve learned a thing or two about beautifying a home.

Why I’m Crushin’ on Spoonflower
I first heard about Spoonflower from a friend and was immediately enamored with the business model. You see, this company is beneficial to both the surface design artist AND the consumer. The artist can upload their creation to the site and anyone can see it, like it, and buy it! As a result, the consumer (me) has a virtually unlimited selection to choose from. I promise that you will find a pattern you love before you exhaust your search. For example: I typed “Black and White” into the search engine and it came up with 273 pages of options for me to scroll. Incidentally, I also typed in “Tiger” and found no less than 21 pages. Tell me another place where you can find 21 pages of Tiger pattern options? I dare you!
This may seem a bit overwhelming, but you can narrow your search by “Most Popular” (for a tried and true fabric), “Hot Picks” (for something fun), Or “New” (for those of us always looking to push the proverbial design envelope). Furthermore, the company has also established about 40 pre-sorted themes (such as “Farmhouse” “Nature” or “Mermaid”) to aid in your search.
But wait…It gets even better! Once you have selected the pattern of your choice you can let your imagination run wild. With almost 30 different fabrics and wallpapers to choose from you can paper a wall, sew a pillow, make a dress, or pretty much anything else you can dream up…It’s crazy!
So you aren’t that crafty? No worries! I’ve learned that Spoonflower’s sister company, Roostery, will do the work for you. When selecting a pattern you will notice that some of the designs can be viewed as pillows, bedding, and tea towels. That means you can order it through Roostery and they will do all of the sewing for you!!! Not even joking. If you don’t see the home décor image on the fabric page, you’re still in luck because almost all of the designs in the Spoonflower Marketplace are for sale on Roostery!
I would highly recommend ordering a test sample, especially if you are ordering a large amount of product. I have noticed that the same color is slightly different on the wallpaper and the velvet and the screen. You wouldn’t want to be surprised.
Here is an insider tip: Say you find the ALMOST perfect pattern but you need it in a different color or scale. It doesn’t hurt to ask the artist if they will switch it around for you. There is a possibility that they may have the time to give you the hook up! Don’t be surprised, however, if they offer to do it for a small fee (I would think that would only be fair). My theory is that it never hurts to ask!

Why I have Ashley from 2birdstone on My Speed Dial
Originally I approached Spoonflower with a plan to use a vibrant red wallpaper pattern ?. I had planned to redo this room with a preppy British-library feel done in red and navy (with pops of light pink). I have to be honest…I still love this idea too. Isn’t this wallpaper great?
After Spoonflower kindly agreed to this plan I remembered my old friend Ashley Peterson from 2birdstone. We were stationed at our last assignment together, and, let me tell you, she has some mad surface design skills. Somehow the rest is a blur, but in the end Spoonflower agreed to the dynamic duo of Ashley and Jewel and the rest is history (look at me mixing metaphors?).
Poor Ashley: she has patiently put up with late night texts and early emails from yours truly. I have Facetimed her into the chaos of this space more times than she probably cares to remember. I have blown up her phone with countless Kelly Wearstler Inspo shots. In the end though, we have collectively developed this design plan and she has been my “behind the scenes cheerleader”. Truly she deserves so much credit for this room.

As a side note: If you like her surface design collection but want a simple change (scale or color) please feel free to message her. She will be able to tweak it for you for a nominal fee.
The Dirty Deets on the Sofa Reupholstery

I found this $100 beauty on craigslist and knew it was worth renting a Uhaul trailer and making the trip up to Boston. Am I right?
I know many of you are thinking, why would you reupholster this? The fabric looks like it is in perfect shape. It’s true, aside from being quite dirty the upholstery was in mint condition. It’s just that I knew I really wanted a velvet sofa for this space.

Here’s the deal. Reupholstering a sofa is like pregnancy and child birth.
1. It takes FOR.EVER. I completed an entire season of the Nextfilx British Series “The Crown” ?? and still had 8 hours to go while upholstering this relatively simple sofa. NO LIE, I dreamt with a British accent for two nights in a row.
2. It’s messy. You have no idea how gross this sofa was on the inside. See that red silk? It had blood stains. Lots of blood stains. I would worry about contracting a Sofa Transmitted Disease but that acronym is already taken ???.
3. It is painful. I still have open wounds on my hands, fingers, and toes (yes toes…its a long story). It has left me wondering when I received my last tetanus shot ??.
4. Just like childbirth, however, it doesn’t take long to forget just how challenging that experience really was. The fruits of my labor (no pun intended…ok, maybe just a little) greatly outweigh the costs.

What do you think? Maximalist show stopper?

3 days and 11 yards of fabric (I didn’t use new fabric on the back) and now I have THE MOST original 108 inch velvet terrazzo sofa you could even dream of! You will notice that Ashley has designed a couple of varieties of terrazzo. If you want a more subtle look you can ask Ashley to scale it down for you.

Tiger Wallpaper
This Jungle Tigers Bright Pattern is the genesis for the rest of the fabrics in the line. Originally it was a repeat of one tiger, but we opted to make it more organic, and Ashley whipped up two more tigers. Pure talent. Don’t like the pink? It comes in more subtle blue as well.

One thing I need to mention about the Spoonflower Wallpaper is its quality and convenience. Now, I have wallpapered 5 other rooms in the last 4 months, so I feel like I have a little experience in this area. This particular paper is nice and thick. Before hanging I worried that it may have a slight sheen, but as soon as I hung it the sheen was nonexistent. Instead it is a rich, deep finish.
Also, with most wallpapers I measure each strip of paper and leave a little extra on each end. With Spoonflower the rolls came pre-measured and ready to be installed. To make it even easier, the paper actually overlaps by an inch or two vs bumping up against each other I simply had to enter my wall measurements into their calculator and PRESTO!
Let’s Review the Plan

Add furniture
Buy and cut lumber
Buy and paint HIGH GLOSS paint (probably blue…Though purple has crossed my mind)
Add molding to the lower wall
Wallpaper upper wall with the tiger wallpaper (Spoonflower)
Upholster striped chairs- Change the plan: Paint them Pink
Sew fringe on sofa (Fringe Market)
Decide upon, order, and hang chandelier (Lamps Plus)
Style it with pillows etc (Roostery)
Two more pieces of art
Wallpaper ceiling (Spoonflower)- No time
Wallpaper entryway (Spoonflower)
Upholster Sofa in velvet
Sleep and good personal hygiene- let’s be honest…That’s not happening

Spoonflower || Roostery || Fringe Market || Lamps Plus

Thank you so very much for joining me on the Spring 2018 One Room Challenge- Week 5. If you like what you see here don’t forget to come back and poke around a bit after visiting the Challenge and Guest participants. Oh, and following me is fun too ?. Thanks for stopping in and come back next week for the BIG REVEAL!
It looks amazing! I can’t believe you re-upholstered that yourself… I’m seriously impressed. I cant stop saying it.
Thanks Mila! It wasn’t easy, but It’s done!!!
I look so forward to your posts each week and you never disappoint. That sofa is a real jaw-dropper. So thrilled for you and your friend. You guys really are the dynamic duo. See you next week. ~~ Susie from The Chelsea Project
Thanks Susie! The feeling is mutual for sure!
Girl, that sofa is fire! It looks amazing and I cannot believe that you have accomplished so much in such a little time! You go girl!
Thanks Jess! Now I just have to get the fringe, art, and accessories…
so funny, I JUST found Spoonflower a few days ago in search of some funky steampunk wallpaper for a client. Very cool company! As usual, you have done a fantastic job with your ORC and I ALWAYS know which room is yours when scrolling through the thumbnails. Great job!
Hey Thanks Kat! Spoonflower rocks…SOOOO many options. I bet a steampunk wallpaper would be awesome
I absolutely love hoe your room is turning out! It’s amazing truly!
I had no idea you could do that with graphics. Learn something new everyday
Thanks Jessica!!!
Wow, Jewel! I think we need to become besties. Especially since you’re moving kind of near me. 😉 That fabric is so fantastic on the sofa! I’m so impressed with your upholstery skills! And that wallpaper is killer. As is the lucite table!
I’d say WELL worth the uhaul and drive!! Maximalist perfection at it’s finest! Love it, Jewel.
Thanks Rachael!!! It’s just so much fun! Wait till you see the pillows that just came in.
Thanks Emy! Are you in Maryland? Let’s plan on it!
Spoonflower is the BEST. I could browse their fabrics for hours.
It’s sooo good that it’s almost a problem. 🙂
Jewel that is the most original (and GORGEOUS!!) sofa I have ever seen!!! (I did get queasy at the blood stains part though, LOL!) P.S. Your acrylic side table is to-die-for!!
You have definitely stepped out of your comfort zone and into a world of bold color and pattern. Kuddos to you for tackling the upholstery of the sofa. And thanks for the great description of Spoonflower. I need to check it out more.
Thanks Carol! Spoonflower is fab!
Thanks! I do love the sofa and the side table too!
You’ve done a great job bring this all together! I don’t know if I could do this print but I love it here!
Thanks! It’s certainly bold!
Few things: 1. You girls killed it with the spoonflower patterned fabric. 2. I cannot believe you got that sofa for 100 bucks! 3. I cannot believe you reupholstered it! 4. I am so happy you went in this direction with the room but I do hope you show us that preppy English space in your next house ?
Preppy English is tempting!