Spring 2019 ORC – The Plan for the Master Bedroom.
Pain vs Pleasure
So here’s the thing. I should know better. I really should. I ought to at least TRY to remember back to last fall. You know what I’m talking about… That 6 week period where I didn’t sleep more than 5 hours, lived on a steady diet of cheese and Nutella, and let the rest of my home spiral into complete chaos. Or maybe I should reach back into the deep recesses of my brain to recall how I lost five pounds of muscle, gained new wrinkles, and shed my hair from the stress of the last One Room Challenge (that is actually all true).
…But here’s the deal you guys. I have a really bad memory. 🙂
Then again, maybe it’s not just my memory. Maybe it’s that I’m sick. You see, I think I secretly love the stress, pressure, and motivation to finish yet another room in our new home. In fact, I like it so much that I’ve MOSTLY forgotten about the side effects of the last ORC. Yep, instead of focusing on the pain, I find so much pleasure in the two finished entertaining rooms that were the results of that massive effort. Plus, in the process I have made so many wonderful friends.
This time around we are taking the design plans up stairs and are aiming to transform our master bedroom into an eclectic and beautiful space for the Spring 2019 One Room Challenge.
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6
What is the ORC?
Before giving you my vision, I want to start out with a huge thank you to Linda, from Calling it Home, for organizing this…THE MONSTER TRUCK EXPEDITION of all link-ups…THE… SPRING… ONE ROOM CHALLENGE???!
Surely by now you have heard of this uber-fun 6 week competition between 20 “Challenge Participants” and hundreds of other “Guest Participants” (like me). All of us have the goal of transforming our spaces with only a month and a half to get it done. As an added bonus Better Homes and Gardens will be the media sponsors for this event.
Thanks for Stopping By
Oh wait… One more thing. If you are new around these parts then let me give you a virtual hug and high five ✋. I’m pumped that you stopped by to check out the CRAY-CRAY that we call normal life. You see, we are a military family of 6 and we are constantly on the move. Yep, this is our 13th home and we are only here 2 years. It’s a house we have owned for 6 years and last summer we moved back in, after two military assignments away. Did you get that? Of all of our many abodes, this one feels the most like home. We are using these 24 months to systematically upgrade room after room.
We have completed 5 rooms in the last 9 months
Soooo…..if you like a bold, creative, and colorful blog/accounts with lots of fresh design content, then I’m your gal!
Previous ORC’s
This will be my third One Room Challenge and I feel that I have grown and learned from each season.
Check out my last three rooms
Fall 2017 ORC
Photo credit: Amy Greene IG: @ContactAmyGPhotography

Spring 2018 ORC

You may have noticed that each of the previous ORC’s have been entertaining spaces. Well this time I’m mixing it up a bit. Our master bedroom needs help…like BIG TIME. Truth in advertising…These pics were taken on Saturday AFTER I cleaned out our junk and BEFORE we hung some Metrie Crown Moulding.

The Plan
Note: some products in this post are sponsored but the opinions are 100 percent my own.

-Hang Metrie Moulding (Crown Mould | Architrave | Panel Mould | Faux Baseboards | Shoe Mould | Chair Mould |
-Empty, Prep, caulk, and Sand Room
-Paint Walls (High Gloss) and Ceiling with Setting Plaster from Farrow and Ball Paint from Thomas Mach Interiors
-Hang Piemonte Chandelier from Corbett Lighting
– Build Bed with Fabric and fringe from Fabric Place Basement- Alexandria
-Replace door Hardware from Grandeur Hardware
-Style wardrobe with paint from Velvet Finishes/ Boho Luxe Home
– Build and Frame Chinoiserie Screen Behind Bed
-Upholster bench in leopard print cowhide from Fabric Place Basement- Alexandria
-Sew Bedding (Fabric Place Basement- Alexandria) and Pillows
-Hand Paint and sew four Silk Four Silk Curtain Panels from Fabric Place Basement- Alexandria
-Hang Art Style and style the Room to Eclectic-Glam Perfection
-Photograph/edit/write big reveal
– A Balanced Diet, Daily Showers, and 8 hours of sleep….pfffft….I WISH
What do you think? Totally doable in the next 6 weeks, right?
Ohhhh WAIT….Now I’m starting to remember the PAIN. It’s all coming back, coming back to me now.
Wish me luck folks….I think I’m going to need it.
Thank you so very much for joining me on the Spring 2019 One Room Challenge- Week 1. If you like what you see here don’t forget to come back and poke around a bit after visiting the Challenge and Guest participants. Oh, and following me is fun too ?. Don’t forget to check in each week as build this maximalist, and show stopping bedroom
This is great looking inspiration board I am very excited to see how your project turns out for the revel.
Can’t wait to see how it turns out!
Thanks so much Christine
Thanks Jen! I appreciate it.
Great plan, Jewel. The room will be a sweet retreat for you and your sweetie. Excited to follow along.
Thanks so much Susie! I can’t wait!
You have such an incredible talent with combining patterns! I love your plan and can’t wait to follow along. You have amazing drive (or incredibly forgetful) to move so much and renovate everytime 🙂 but I would totally do the same! So, you’re in good company! Good luck!
I love your bold moves! Maybe get the crock pot going. ?
LOL. Not a bad suggestion! Maybe I should start paying for laundry service too 🙂
Thanks so much Joannie! it’s probably a combination of the two?
That wallpaper is gorgeous! Looking forward to following along!
You really have grown a lot in the last year! This one will be just as spectacular, I can tell. It will be fun to watch. I wish I was doing my own home, I could have such a blast. Mine should be interesting. Can’t wait to see everyone at the finish line!
Ohhh….I’m going to have to go check it out!
You previous ORC challenges turned out beautifully! Can’t wait to see what you do this time. The mood board is gorgeous!
I think all of us ORC vets as the extreme sports athletes of decor- pushing ourselves to the limits, constantly testing boundaries, and most likely missing a synapse or 2- lol! I cannot believe that you are making another bed! you definitely know how to take things up a notch as the DIY queen- cant wait to watch the progression of your space.
All of your rooms have been stunning and I can’t wait to see the bedroom! All that gorgeous molding and leopard print has me with all the heart eyes!
That campaign chest you’re using as a bedside table is absolutely great! I can’t wait to see what you do with it!
Thanks Mary! I love the leopard print too!
LOL.. I think I’m going to sell those…too big…now where to put our clothes?
That bed is an art deco DREAM! I love it! This space is going to be incredible, it’ll be worth the pain!
That board flatlay at the top is going straight into my inspiration file.
Jewel once again you have got me on the edge of my seat (and it’s going to be an unbearable wait!!), this reveal is going to knock everyone’s socks off !!!!
Amazing work as always
LOL! That’s probably a good way to look at it! Extreme athletes (I wish 🙂
I love your style, and your mood board looks amazing – can’t wait to follow along!
Here’s my (virtual hug) and high five for you! Can’t wait to see the big reveal!
This made my night! Thanks so much!!!
Thanks so much Casey!!!
I “discovered” your blog during the last ORC and I’ve been inspired ever since! This is my EIGHTH ORC so maybe we need to form a support group 🙂 and serve something at the meetings besides nutella and cheese!! Can’t wait to see you work your magic again!
Marcie! I love your ORC game plan! I can’t wait to see your kitchen come together!
Thanks so much Corinnna. I haven’t definitively decided what the bed shape will be, but there will be art deco influences for sure!
You are the Best Marie! Thanks so much!
Thanks so much Libbie! I almost changed the plan twice this week, but I the end think I will keep it…all part of the process…right?
Thanks so much Emy! my design plan keeps changing. We’ll see if the wallpaper stays???
Wow I love your plans for the room! I’m so excited to follow along! And I think I have that same sleigh style bed in our master – I’m definitely ready to replace mine 🙂
Your previous spaces have been incredible! I can’t wait to see what you do with this bedroom!
Thanks Leslea
I think all of my friends had the same bed at one point. 🙂 It was our first major furniture purchase. LOL
As always, your spaces completely blow me away. Can’t wait to see what kind of rabbit you pull out of this hat!
Thanks so much Ariel. The feeling is completely mutual!
Hey you! Can’t wait to see. Love all the colors.
Thanks so much Nicole. Fingers crossed I can pull it all off!